Monday, May 08, 2006

Huge crazy screaming balls of..

Bread. Mixed.. with plastic bag, and some mango. And another ball of plastic-bag-and-honey. That was my lunch a while ago.

Thats a sign with a rattlesnake, with my bike, taken earlier today, a ways after reaching the border of Honduras and Nicaragua.

Continuing on..

So, I woke up, and left the guard shack after thanking them. They said I could have stayed another night, if I wanted. I ate a breakfast of Papusas, these chees/beans,chees/otherstuff filled tortilla kind of things, 4 for US$1. Very awesome breakfast. I briefly considered the option of living and working in that place.. there were these beautiful feilds of crops, and these amazingly friendly people living there. It was a very good feeling atmosphere. I believe I could have offered to work for free, in return for a place to sleep, possibly some food.. it would have been amazing.

But, I wanted to travel. And travel I did.
I didnt ride too far that day, managed to get off the highway and bike around some nicer neighborhoods. I came across an internet cafe, and lo and behold three hours of sitting behind a computer came and went.

Wow... thats the biggest cockroach Ive ever seen (moves his bag as to not to tempt it, and watches it scurry under the computer desk).

Anyways, I left the internet cafe, and after noticing that it was getting late 5pm, I started a hunt for a place to sleep. I asked a police station if I could sleep inside, they said no. But, they said I could keep riding, as the road I was on and the place I was in was quite safe... safe, strange word for nighttime in Central America. But, I continued on.. after asking some more people from the area, and again being told that I definately was not in harms way, I finally started to believe that I was in a decent place after all.
And then...
A car pulled over. And some men got out, they had machetes. They looked at me. I looked at them. I offered them some mangos, they ate them, and then left.
And then..
I.. continued on riding, looking for a place to sleep. And I came across a group of nice people sitting outside of a house with a large area in front (fit for tenting) and asked if I could have a sleep there. They said they knew of a better place, and sent a little girl along with me to show me where. I offered her some bread.. she ate it. We rounded a corner in the road, and then entered a fence.

And so it would happen that I came across the house of Tomas Alfaro Lemos.
After questioning me with intimidating but amusing questions for half an hour, and me doing my best to provide decent answers, Tomas Alfaro Lemos laughed hard at my question of a possible sleeping at his house, once more. But this time, the grand Tomas opened the door to his house, pointed to a hammock, and smiled. I laughed sheepishly, and took of my helmet. I wiped the rest of the breadcrumbs off of my face, and began to derobe my bike of its grand rop-es. He brought forward from behind his back, a grand golden mango, a true jesture of heart. I ate it greedily, smileing through the juice. We walked around back of his house, him, a bold man with a bold gaut, and me, a face full of mango strait from a fruit-based porno flick. I glanced up at the grand fruit trees that populated his back yard space. Hundreds of Mangos, Oranges, and these new fruit, Meloncoton (thats what the spanish people call them). He grabbed a large bamboo pole, and after my approval, began to pummel the branches of the trees around us. Mango, orange, and meloncoton came hurtling down, I ducked for cover. He gathered some of the various fruit in a large plastic bag, and handed it to me (that fruit lasted almost a week).

Above, Tomas and his wife, of La Fuente, Tonacatapeque, El Salvador. Notice the heavily-laden bike in the aftground, with the large bag of fruit. This couple also gave me a large dinner, and a large breakfast, swore me into their family as a new family member, and demanded that I return ;).

Putting a hold on the story for now.


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