Sunday, August 19, 2007


Look at this guy! He's so cute! This is what your brain looks like on drugs.

For those who are interested, I KICKED ASS in my bike race.. wow, like holy crap I did really well. Well, long story short is, is that I passed hordes of people, people on bikes worth a lot of money, passed them while riding my lovely quaint little Apollo, rescue'd from a ditch. I even had people criticizing my bicycle and its components, the day before the race. I bet I passed them too :)
Out of the 40 cyclists that did just the cycle portion of the triathalon, I placed 8th. Not too shabby, Im happy with myself. It makes me want to race bikes more. Makes me want to get a bike thats more fancy-pancy-race-like. Too bad it would be useless for anything else but racing.. oh well.
Anyways. Work is work. Life is life. Im currently applying for a position that would take place this winter... in Ontario.. leading sleddog expeditions!!!! I'd be a superhero if I did that. Thats just so, truely, badass.
Peace and love and peanutbutterbrittle.

Things That Are Cool

Things that are cooler..

Saturday, August 04, 2007


These are just some recent nice pictures I thought Id share. I took them, so I thought maybe Id post them too.
This is the view from the sundeck directly in front of the computer Im using. I grew up here, its a place called Metchosin. A beautiful farming community a half hour west Victoria. And this is what I look like, right now.

The 40km bike race, which Im going to be in, is tomorrow morning. Im so excited!!

Take care, Im trying to do so myself.