Thursday, March 20, 2008

Everything Cool and most things superbbeular.

Excellent. Just excellent.

My fundraising for Otesha has begun! How freaking awesome is that?? How freaking awesome is it that Im going to be riding with them this summer? How freaking awesome is it that Ill be rolling in clumps of BC dirt and foliage again soon?

Pretty freaking awesome indeed, I tell you.

As far as my plans go for this year, I have 3 months of workingmybuttoffmakingasmuchmoneyasIcan coming up, followed by 2-4 months of bicycle touring (depending how successful I am at workingmybu...sIcan), followed by another smackintheface season of working for Chocpaw.

Working at Chocpaw has been great, the job is really progressive as there's tonnes to learn. Not just about the dogs, how to work with them, how to correctly feed them, etc., but Ive found there also has been tonnes to learn about myself. For example, I learned that Im really feaking defensive sometimes, due to feeling insecure about myself. It was pointed out to me. I didnt really have any idea. That issue made other staff not want to work with me, and so I didnt make a whole lot of money this season. But all is well, Ive discussed my progress and my performance many times with senior staff and my boss, and things are looking positive for next season.
The biggest reason why I want to return to Chocpaw, however, is the dogs. I love them. I love them huge amounts. I love working with them. I love watching them learn, and grow. Its great being there with them as they get over challenges, overcome fears, and really excell at being what it is that theyve been bred to do. The trusting relationship that one builds with ones team is a relationship that Im very happy to have in my life. And Id love for it to keep building.

Anyways, peace fleece and abakazeese,

The one and only,

Tyler Walker


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